In Memory of




Condolence From: JoAnne Munigle
Condolence: I was sorry to hear of Tony"s passing. As a member of my department at Ciba-Geigy he was a great asset and fun to be with. My condolence to Grace and the whole family.
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Condolence From: Gail Carmody
Condolence: My deepest sympathy to the whole DiBattista family. I worked with Tony for 17 years at Ciba-Geigy. He was a wonderful man. He always spoke of his family and his many interests. He will surely be missed.
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Condolence From: Cathy Nista Rauterkus
Condolence: Uncle Tony, you are an inspiration in humility and humor. You could laugh and be self-deprecating with ease. You loved to make us laugh and we loved you for it! For as silly as you were, I never saw you more serious when you tried to teach me tennis. It didn't go well, but that was the fault of the student, not the teacher! My favorite memories include going to Broadway shows with you and Aunt Grace. Always a nice lunch and drinks at the Marriott went with those shows and they will always hold a special place in my heart. The night before you passed, my daughter brought me a bowl of pretend ice cream and watermelon. What a combination, but one that makes me think of you and I told her then all about how this was a favorite of yours ! We love you and miss you!
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Condolence From: Cliff Scaggs
Condolence: Playing tennis with this very special man made me a better person and player. Tony, who loved to teach players of all ages, was a talented athlete who was one of the fiercest and fairest competitors I ever faced in any sport. His in game banter always contained some great life lessons. I remember him showing me "business cards" related to his many interests-it was quite a stack! At the end of play, he would always call Grace to say he was on his way home. This true renaissance man will be missed by all fortunate enough to know him. My deepest sympathies to Grace and all of his family and friends. Thank you Tony and may you rest in peace.
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Condolence From: Niya Foxx from New York Blood Center
Condolence: To the DiBattista Family Grace and Peace. I am a co worker of Anthony (Tony) Dibattista at the New York Blood Center. I send my deepest sympathy and condolences to you all. My prayers are with you. May peace and comfort surround you. Remember him with love for his family and he is now resting in peace. Be Blessed Niya Foxx
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Condolence From: Jim Nista
Condolence: Uncle Tony, you will be greatly missed by so many people you touched. I hear your deep Bronx accent still teaching me Tennis and Badminton. One time you taught me how to juggle, a skill I some how retain until today. If anyone ever doubts my nerdy-ness, I show them my amazing juggling abilities! Thanks Uncle Tony for all of the laughs, happy memories, and for teaching me to seek out only the best ice cream.
Monday May 14, 2018